Thursday, November 20, 2008

PJ is 5 Months Old!

Our baby boy turned 5 months old yesterday.
Let's see what little PJ is up to these days:
He is cutting his bottom two teeth coming through. He can roll over both ways. He cannot army crawl yet, but he tries lol. He is around 18 pounds (according to our scale.) He is also 27 1/2 inches long! He will get his shots on the 26th. (A month late.) He reaches out and grabs things and they go right into his mouth. He drools a river and I have to change his bibs 24/7. He babbles all the time and loves to laugh when Daddy tickles him. He can jump really high in his jumper and really likes being in there for longer periods of time. His favorite thing to do is hang out with his big sister. He is almost able to sit up on his own. He wears 6/9 - 12 month clothes. He doesn't enjoy being in his swing as much any more. He sleeps from 9pm until 7am most days. He will be going to size 3 diapers as soon as we run out of his size twos. He is my baby boy and pride and joy. He also has the best, most loving big sister in Elise. They are lucky to have each other.
But Dustin and I are the luckiest of all!
My 25th birthday is exactly one month from today! Woo Hoo!
Yesterday was PJ's 5 month birthday. Today is my SIL Katrina's 15th birthday. Tomorrow is Elise's 32 month birthday lol.
In exactly 12 days it will be mine and Dustin's 3 year wedding anniversary. (We got married at the courthouse down here in NC on December 2, 2005. Then we had our big church wedding in Ohio *where we are originally from* on December 23, 2005. We celebrate it on the 23rd, though.)
My mom's 51st birthday is December 6th. I need to remember to send her a card. I think for a gift I will send her pics of the kids!
Have a super day everybody!

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